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Join A League

Join A League

Level Up Your Game

If you're really hooked into bowling and want to step it up a notch, it might be a good idea to join a bowling league and get some consistent action at the lanes. Register below!

Is League Bowling For Me?

As a fun sport that can be played by practically anyone, there's no wonder bowling is one of the most popular family activities around!

If you're really hooked into bowling and want to step it up a notch, it might be a good idea to join a bowling league and get some consistent action at the lanes.

What's Up Your Alley?

Although many people think of bowling leagues as strictly competitive affairs, there are a range of leagues catering to almost every age and skill level.

Ask yourself what you really want from joining a league - are you after a chance to mingle and make new friends or seriously compete with the hope of landing a trophy? Either way, there's a league out there for you.

Check Your Schedule

Whether it's due to school or work commitments, you might find it hard to fit in a spot of team bowling on a regular basis.

That's why the best bowling centres offer leagues running at various times of the day and week, so you can pick and choose one to fit your schedule.

Gear Up!

You can of course still use the balls and shoes provided by the bowling centre - but now you're a league pro, why not invest in your own equipment?

The pro shops at Zone Bowling offer a wide range of balls and shoes to choose from, which you can customise for ultimate comfort.